"Growing your own citrus fruit isn’t just for sun-drenched Mediterranean gardens – you can do it right here in your garden! With the right care, these stunning trees will reward you with fresh, homegrown lemons, limes, oranges, and more. Not only do they produce delicious, zesty fruit, but they also bring year-round evergreen beauty and a wonderfully fragrant burst of citrus blossom. Whether placed on a sunny patio through summer or brought indoors for winter, these trees make an eye-catching and productive addition to any garden, big or small. Why settle for shop-bought when you can pick your own?"
Peter McDermott, Head Gardener
"Growing your own citrus fruit isn’t just for sun-drenched Mediterranean gardens – you can do it right here in your garden! With the right care, these stunning trees will reward you with fresh, homegrown lemons, limes, oranges, and more. Not only do they produce delicious, zesty fruit, but they also bring year-round evergreen beauty and a wonderfully fragrant burst of citrus blossom. Whether placed on a sunny patio through summer or brought indoors for winter, these trees make an eye-catching and productive addition to any garden, big or small. Why settle for shop-bought when you can pick your own?"
Peter McDermott, Head Gardener
Oranges and lemons are wonderful fruits which instantly conjure images of the Mediterranean. However, there are a range of orange and lemon trees that can be grown in Britain given the right protection, and you could easily find yourself stepping onto your patio and plucking some fresh fruit this summer.
If you're looking for lemon or orange trees for sale, then we have the perfect solution. We buy our trees from Valencia, a Spanish region renowned for its fantastic citrus fruits. Plus, frosts are commonplace in the winter, so the trees that we sell are hardier than you may have first imagined.
Between the months of April and October, your orange trees and lemon trees will be fine outside. As winter approaches, you can use a fleece cover for extra protection, and move plant pots into a sheltered garage, shed or greenhouse as necessary.
During the growing season, lemon and orange trees can grow extremely quickly, and you'll find that the flowers send gorgeous scents through your garden. Many sets of fruitlets will then appear as the flowers fade, most of which will drop off until the few chosen citrus fruits remain.
If you're looking for orange and lemon trees for sale, then there's no need to look further because we have the perfect plants on offer. Coming in three-litre pots, they are the ideal size to get started, offering you the opportunity to indulge in home-grown fruit like never before.
Whether you want to make your own juices, enjoy incredibly tasty oranges plucked fresh from the tree, or use juicy lemons in your cooking, place your order online today. We deliver everything to your door and provide a generous Lifetime Guarantee!
Interested in growing other types of fruit in your garden or on the patio? We have everything from strawberry plants.
If you are wondering how to care for your citrus fruit tree, then why not check out our handy guide here!